All In With Day One and One Second Everyday

I’ve never really been into making New Year’s resolutions. Much like Valentine’s Day or other internationally-recognised special holidays, I figured if I was ever going to embark on a journey of self-improvement (or bestow gifts upon my loved ones or that special friend), I was going to do it for no particular reason, “just because”. Sure, Christmas and birthdays are…

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Nice one Benny!
I feel inspired to do something similar. I have a sense of time just passing at a rapid rate and it would be good to have a timeline that you can read about just what it was you did last week, last month, last year.

I use Day One as a series of letters to my girls - one day we’ll be able to look back and see the day to day things that happened.

I love Day One. I use it as a beer/coffee/trumpet practice/study/life journal.

That is a great idea.

I’ve tried so many times to get cracking with Day One but I keep failing. Good on you for making a habit of it!

I was using it a bit, mainly for tracking my diet weight, but use Fitbit app now. Shame really.

I found the best way to get into a rhythm for DayOne is to find something your passionate about and start journaling about it. It doesn’t even have to be a narrative.

My most common entries are based on templates I’ve set up in Workflow. Regular uses of this are:

  • Trumpet practice journal
  • Beer tasting journal
  • Coffee tasting journal

Most recently I’ve also started using it for recording lecture notes when I’m at uni as well.

My least common entries (but they do happen from time to time) are freehand entries about how I’m feeling or a particular life experience.

Also if I find something inspirational online I’ll screenshot or save it and attach it to an entry in my journal.

Another thing I’m due to do is review and journal my progress about the set of goals I made at the beginning of the year.