Blob_storage - What's creating this?


Something is creating a folder in my root directory called


Inside this folder, is an empty folder with a long alpha numeric random looking name.

What on earth is creating this?

If I delete it, it will be re-created at some point.

No idea when it first appeared, as I don’t look at my root directory all that often… just noticed it the other day when installing my new SSD.



A blob (binary large object storage) is data stored as a single file from a database of some type. It is probably images, audio or other media but it can be other types of files.

Now what is creating it is another issue…

NB calling it blob_storage is like saying ATM Machine (and yes I know people say that but still… grrrr).

Are you using any cloud backup software?

No, I keep away from the clouds.

This Apple discussion topic says it’s either some cloud-based program as previously mentioned, or something that emulates a HFS+ partition — have you been playing with any retro software lately?

Otherwise, could be anything. If it re-creates itself, then delete it, give it a few days, and check the timestamp, then see if you can remember what you were doing at that time.

Thanks @bennyling. Yes, I live in retro, so quite possible. I’ll keep an eye out for recurrences.

Used to be you’d have blobs stored somewhere if you had a jailbroken iphone (and chose to use a program to store the blobs)… But I havent done it for years and no idea if blobs are stored separately now. Were you into jailbreaks?

Only ever broke an AppleTV, and haven’t done anything related to that for some months.

I did run (and ollld copy of) Tech Tool Pro recently, which I noted created a folder in the root directory - it was conveniently named TechTool something-or-other though, so was easy to identify.

Weird weird.