Monday Morning News

Following the US Government’s approval of the Apple-Beats acquisition, Apple officially welcomed Beats to the family with a message on their website: “Music has always held a special place in our hearts, and we’re thrilled to join forces with a group of people who love it as much as we do”. As part of the deal, Beats Music CEO Ian…

Originally published at:

I know Peter Cohen is talking about the US health care system in his article, but he makes a valid point that applies here as well. I signed up for the eHealth record when it was launched here in Australia and I’m yet to find a medico that takes advantage of it. My GP only very recently stopped using a paper filing system and is cracking a stink about the new paperless one he has to use. The only thing that has ever come into my eHealth record is Medicare stuff.

If Apple can pull it off it will be awesome. I’m really hoping they can and it doesn’t become another passbook.