OmniFocus for Noobs - Part 0

Ever feel like there’s something you’re forgetting? There’s something you should be doing, or planning, or talking to someone about… but what is it? That’s me, all the time, every day. OmniFocus has always seemed to me like one of those apps that could change my life. People rave about GTD and particularly about OmniFocus – in particular The Sweet…

Originally published at:

I have been using it for a few months on my iPhone & Mac. I found this site YouTube channel Omnifocus 2 for Mac to be quite a good resource when trying to find my way.

It has taken me awhile to sort out Projects and Contexts, this article gives some good points. GTD and OmniFocus 2 - my productivity workflow

I find that you have to learn to use the “forecast view” for your daily task list. Also make use of the perspectives view, I use the “due” perspective mostly.

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Following this keenly. I’m in Wunderlist land because it’s so simple but I need much more.

It looks good but I reckon it’s overkill for most people. I’d use this in a corporate environment or if I was planning a major project like an overseas holiday or home renovation, but for day-to-day tasks and even repeating tasks, the built in reminders app on iOS is really good.

Yes overkill for most people, me included probably. There was an update to the IOS iPhone app today which took away one of my most used perspectives “Due”. Not helpful.

Great review of Todoist here for an alternative : Todoist Review MacStories