The Election - Just in case you don't know who to vote for

That’s a benefit of minority governments. Being forced to work with the Cross-bench. The results look like it might be only be one short, so the ALP can pick and choose who to work with/get the final vote for, (in the lower house)

Anecdote. Canada (I lived there for several years), has a first past the post system in the equivalent of their lower house. No preferential voting.

So if four people run, one can get elected with 26% of the vote. (Generally you have three contenders: Conservative centre/centre-left and more left. The Conservatives like this as its posits the more progressive vote)

The outcome is you can have wild variations in government, Going from a large majority to losing most seats next election.


If I’m not mistaken first past the post is a much more popular system around the world than our preferential system.

The problem with governments having to deal with independents is that half of them are nut cases. Although, having said that, The major parties have their share of nut cases also…

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what’s worse, a gaggle a differently opinionated independents OR a collective bunch of vested self-interest