The Things You Do Late At Night

No, not those things!

Maybe I shouldn’t have… but I figure my movie making career is dead anyway… and libel requires a lie, right? What’s a little negative feedback on IMDB anyway?

After I graduated from film school I worked for a few months on “Payment by Deferment” on a horror flick. I was warned by my tutor to “keep an eye” on the movie’s producer… and indeed, found him to be … second-hand-car-salesman-like…

So, about a year later, I get an email - Please sign this VOLUNTEER contract if you want your name in the credits… I spoke to the production manager (who had hired me) and she said they’d done it to her too - instead of Deferment (ie payment if/when the film makes a profit), we now either had to agree that we in fact were only unpaid volunteers, or not get a credit.

My name is on the film… though frankly I wish it wasn’t. They couldn’t get a distributor before production… Couldn’t get one after… Only got into 1 film festival and still didn’t even get a straight to DVD deal… Instead, about 5 years later it hit iTunes at $20… The film has no redeeming features, and that’s coming from a self proclaimed King of B-Grade Movies.

Do Not Pay To See SLEEPER (dir. Dru Brown, prod Judd Tilyard)

(Sorry to those from MacTalk… I’m sure I’ve blubbered on about this over there a billion times already…)


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Now I have to search for the movie “Sleeper” and check it out…

Showbiz sucks.

No, nooooooooo, dognabit, don’t tell me there is some strange phenomenon dictating something absurd like… There’s no such thing as bad publicity…? (Cos that genuinely wasn’t what I was going for, LOL)

Ok, if you gotta…

It’s at the end of my showreel.