Thursday Morning News

Apple’s latest Supplier Responsibility report covers everything the company did last year in order to better working conditions for hundreds of thousands of employees working at manufacturing facilities all over the world. AppleInsider summarises it as 633 audits of 1.6 million workers in 19 countries, covering everything from the supply of clean water, conflict mineral usage, and prohibiting recruitment firms…

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I’m probably the only person here excited about Wireshark for OS X, nice find Benny!! :grin:

This sounds like BS. Do iPad Air users download triple the data of iPhone 5 users?

Pushbullet has it over AirDrop in spades. I use it all day to move stuff between the 3 devices I use at work.

Seems plausible to me that iPhone 6 Plus users are using their phones more for things they would have done on their iPad. So the normal iPhone workload plus some workload previously done on the iPad. It would be interesting to correlate the jump in 6+ data usage with a reduction in iPad data usage, except I’m guessing people use their iPads mostly when wifi is available, so such correlation doesn’t exist.