Tuesday Morning News

Apple’s failed sapphire manufacturing plant in Arizona will be turned into a data center. At the cost of $2 billion, Apple’s former sapphire manufacturing plant will be converted into a command center for its global network of data centers, with the Wall Street Journal reporting Apple also plans to build a solar farm capable of generating 70 megawatts to power…

Originally published at: http://appletalk.com.au/2015/02/tuesday-morning-news030215/

I have read that, even in Yosemite, if you uninstall iBooks you’ll get the old functionality back in iTunes. Some people have done this because iTunes allows you to edit the meta data on books and iBooks won’t let you. Has anyone tried this?

I’ve considered converting everything to Kindle but iBooks ability to copy and paste is what keeps me there. If iBooks allowed for editing meta data it’d be just about perfect in my eyes.

I could be missing something, but isn’t that what Kirk says it does in his post? About halfway down — change the media type to “book”, then you can edit the metadata.

In iTunes not in iBooks is how I interpreted that

Aaron Sorkin