Viewing forum from iPad issue


Not sure if there is a specific bug thread, feel free to move this post.

I’m not sure if this has been discussed or if this is iPad pro specific, but there is an issue when you try to create a post for things like selecting category, or pressing short cut key to add hyperlink etc…the boxes jump around the place or get hidden under the keyboard, then when you colapse the Kb, the box disappears, and it becomes a cat and mouse game…let me know if you would like screen shots.


Sorry, I don’t have an iPad Pro to test with, so yeah, screenshots would be nice. Know if it happens with other Discourse forums? Because I doubt it’s specific to us, we have no customisations that would break that kind of thing.

Other Discourse instances to try: and

Ok, so I think I have sorted out the hyperlink button issue after playing with one of the other forums, just have to scroll the page sometimes

But with choosing a post category it’s not performing the same.

<img src="//" width="666" height="500">

This is pic from one of the other sites, but with AppleTalk, basically when you go to active the dropdown to select it disappears to under the kb, and then when you close kb you see it again and then it’s cat and mouse…

So the difference is, with the Discourse forum, when you press the category select box for the dropdown, the keyboard drops down also so that you can make a selection, but with AppleTalk it doesn’t

Hmm, weird. I just tested on iPhone and I seem to be able to select categories properly, the keyboard hides when it’s supposed to and re-appears when I want to type something. Seems pretty weird that it only happens on our site, but I’ll check it out and get back to you, it’s possible there’s an update we haven’t done or something along those lines.

Yes i dont have this issue with iphone either, looks like on iphone it switches to a full responsive mode, but ipp is full desktop verson

But saying that, with The other forum i tested with ipp it was full desktop version too

Please don’t forget the choose category issue…it’s a real pain

Does this still happen? We’ve done an update recently which may have fixed it, just need to re-confirm it’s still happening.

There’s some improvement, it doesn’t hide under the keyboard anymore, but as I scroll the selection box detaches from the dropdown as I scroll and moves up and down the page as I scroll with my finger