Terminal App for iPad

As my iPad has taken over primary mobile computing needs for me, I’m looking for a decent ssh/terminal app that I can use on it.

What are people using for this? What are pros and cons on what you’re using?

I’ve never had a need personally but I would take a look at Panic’s Prompt 2.

I use Prompt 2 for all ssh etc. and love it. I also use iSH occasionally when I need a local terminal without having a device to ssh to - i.e. to just run a ping on a local network.

I’m guessing Prompt 2 is worth it’s $23 price tag?

I’m using Terminus on my iPhone; it also has iPad support. It’s free with a paid upgrade option. The free version suits me well.

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I thought so. I’m generally happy to pay for quality apps. I’d prefer to pay $20+ for a serious app than have ads or my personal data sold to support the developer. I also don’t trust no-name devs with things like ssh keys!

Yeah fair call. :+1:t2: I’m just exploring options.

Haven’t used it. Wasn’t responding to you btw in my comment - it’s just my general attitude, and it looks like I’d need their paid plan anyway for what I do so that’s good. I like to support indie developers in general as I think they make the best software on the platform (Things, Prompt, Screens, etc.). I also like to trust companies I’ve known for 20+ years with my data when I can (i.e. I ran Transmit from Panic on OS9!!!).

Another ++ for Panic. I have no idea about Prompt, but I know that Panic are an excellent company. I’ve used Transmit and UNison for years.