Products recommended to help use a Macbook Pro as a desktop?

Hi guys,

I just bought a MacBook Pro 13" Retina and will be my only Apple machine to use as both a laptop and my desktop. I am looking at what goodies would be recommended that might help to do this?

I have been out of the Apple seen for a while and not sure what are the best goodies to get but looking at some sort dock and a stand as well. Also I have a Benq BL3200 (32") Monitor I plan to use with this as well.

Just wanting to get some ideas on products to make this work well. :smile:

If you’re going to be plugging things like a keyboard and mouse into it (or even a few hard drives), I’d recommend getting something like a Thunderbolt dock.

I have the Belkin Thunderbolt Express dock, and while I wish it had a few more USB 3 ports, nothing beats the convenience of plugging in two cables (on Thunderbolt, the other MagSafe) into my Mac and having everything — keyboard, display, ethernet, speakers, Time Machine, power — up and running.

My only regret is that the first gen Thunderbolt Express dock doesn’t appear capable of driving a 4K display, but it’s not such a big deal.

If you don’t want to go the Thunderbolt dock route you’ll end up with a config like mine. Thunderbolt to DVI for one screen, HDMI to DVI for the other, Thunderbolt to Gbps Ethernet, and USB to a crappy little USB dock for some extensibility.

I really need a Thunderbolt dock :smile:

Also got rid of the mouse and replaced it with a Magic Trackpad.

Thanks for the replies.

So I take it the Belkin is the fav for a Thunderbolt dock?

I have read of many people having issues with Thunderbolt and stability issues (such as screens flicking and docks dropping USB connections randomly) is this still the case and if so is it to do with the different Thunderbolt versions?

Also what is considered a good stand for the MacBook Pro 13?

I have seen some unlike the one in the pic (looks good by the way Gehenna) that you keep the screen closed and is used in a upright way are these got any advantage for cooling?


There are other brands of Thunderbolt dock, but Belkin would be the one I would go for unless you can find the others locally and they have a specific combination of ports that would be more useful to you and your particular setup.

While I haven’t had any issues with screens flickering or USB drives dropping, I generally don’t cheap out on my computer gear :wink: Not saying that’s the only cause of those issues (because, you know, technology), but it has nothing to do with Thunderbolt versions, as far as I’m aware. Thunderbolt 2 is backwards compatible with Thunderbolt 1 anyway.

Stands are more of a personal preference: I’ve had a Griffin Elevator for years, but these days you might be better of getting something like the TwelveSouth GhostStand. I’ve also heard good things about the Rain Design mStand.

You can get vertical stands (Twelve South do some), but they’re generally not great for cooling as some Macs suck in air from the keyboard and expel it out the back.

Personally I have always liked the look of the Henge docks. Though as @bennyling mentions there might be ventilation concerns. I have used an mStand in the past and really liked it.

If this counts I’ve had my MBP in a henge dock for 4 years now and it’s still going strong, so ventilation can’t be too big of a deal with the Henge docks.

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