Print from iPhone to Mac Shared Printer?!?

I wouldn’t have thought this would be too hard but it looks to be impossible!

I have an Epson printer connected to my Mac mini via USB. I have the printer set up in Preferences to be shared to “Everyone”. This works fine from my MacBook Pro. No problem at all.

I thought it would be easy to print to it from my iPhone but it looks like a complete no go. Anyone have any ideas?

Absolutely possible!

Depends on how you experienced/brave you are at playing with some command line… This article has details on what you need to do manually. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to drop some coin and save yourself the effort, Printopia and Handyprint (the one I use) are available* for about US$20 each.

  • Handyprint’s website is down at the time of writing.

Thanks. I’ll have a look…