Thursday Morning News

Reviews of the Apple Watch came out late last night. I haven’t had time to read all of them, but here are the good ones: Gruber’s review over at Daring Fireball should be the first one you read, if you’ve followed Apple up until now. But the other one you might be interested in is from The Verge, who are…

Originally published at:

Content aside, the Verge review is damn pretty.… FINALLY!

I am confused. Men’s Journal says:

It won’t track your sleep.
This seemed odd, because the Watch’s built-in hardware has everything you need to get a surface-level summary of sleep. It could just be that Apple’s expecting third-party apps to own sleep tracking. But more likely, it’s the Watch’s battery life — what Apple says amounts to about 18 hours, though my charge was my more like 16 throughout the testing. I tried strategically charging my Watch so I could wear the Watch while I slept — and missed out on 80 minutes of movement tracking and notifications to do it — but without a dedicated sleep app, there’s no real benefit.

But I definitely had the idea it did, and I’m not alone. From BGR:

There is one catch though, and it applies only if you’re interested in using the Apple Watch to track your sleep. Obviously, that won’t be possible if it’s on a dock charging instead of on your wrist. In this case, you’ll have to charge it during the day while you’re working at your desk, for example, or you’ll need to use a different device to track your sleep.

Was anything said about sleep one way or another at either of the Watch events?

I never remember it being mentioned, no. Then again, with “activity tracking” being more or less synonymous with “sleep tracking” these days it was a pretty easy assumption to make.