
I currently commute on a train 3 days a week into Sydney. My observations are close to 100% of those who are on the train more than 25 mins (i.e. further commute) wear masks. Of those with shorter journeys/live closer to the CBD it might be less than half wearing them now.

I will continue to wear a mask wherever there are numbers of people, including grocery stores, at least through the winter.

I avoid crowds too, which is also/more linked to deciding I generally don’t want to be around them in general any more. And I almost exclusively do not eat at indoor places/prefer outside when I do go places.

In the broader sense, as a society we appear to have wanted to stop thinking about COVID, even though the number of people who have died this year is already well above the past 2 years.

About 50 people are dying across Australia every day, on average, at the moment. If this was from any other cause there would be public outrage I suspect.

I am not going to die (not this time around anyway :flushed:) but I am certainly a lot sicker than I thought I would be. Maybe that’s just bad luck…

My use of public transport is limited to inner city Melbourne trams where mask usage is as you said, about 50% or thereabouts.

Shit… I hadn’t realised… presumably lock downs aren’t cost effective.

Still masking, social distancing and hand washing as required, also trying to avoid going to the supermarket, (food deliveries) but if I forget something thats really needed as opposed to just wanted, I then go. I have noticed that mask wearing has pretty much stopped at my local supermarket. Nobody wears masks at the local pub and despite entreaties by friends to resume going for Trivia, I will not risk it. I have not yet had covid but my time will come, I expect. And, when I least expect it.

According to new research, subsequent infections of COVID19 may be worse than the first infection, rather than what most people think - ie you’ve had it once, you’ll be better off…

Not yet peer reviewed research however… but on top of @richard’s taking my blindfold off RE current deaths/infections… and I’m feeling we should be more worried now than ever…

Australia is currently up near the top of the list as far as daily infections are concerned per head of population. This pretty much makes the early effort of keeping us as one of the safest places in the world (here in South Australia we were as safe as anywhere in the world until they reopened borders last November) a complete waste of time & effort…

Having said that, I certainly don’t have all the answers.

I believe that all those early efforts did pay off big time. They ensured that many of us avoided COVID until we were vaccinated, until effective antivirals became available, and until more knowledge was identified on how to care for COVID patients.

Our success is reflected in the mortality stats. Australia is 140th in the world in cumulative deaths per million people.

For comparison:
Japan #150: 247
New Zealand #147: 281
Australia #140: 370
South Korea #130: 477
Canada #90: 1090
UK #29: 2623
USA #17: 3128



When you look at how even European countries were losing many hundreds of people every day to COVID in 2020/21… what we did at that time was absolutely the right move.

But now… it’s hard to fathom that since 12 January this year we’ve been losing 20-70 people a day…!? And amidst this - each state has been reducing restrictions, masks, etc etc.

I think part of the problem would have to be burn out… as I said earlier - my wife and I have been talking about whether we should wear masks now when we go out… and my thought has been - I don’t want to - I had COVID, I’ve had my jabs, I want it to be over… and yet - last year I could have told you how many active cases there were in Geelong at any time… now I have no idea, but it’s probably higher than it’s ever been, and most people are not wearing masks, social distancing is a thing of the past…

Still not making terribly coherent sentiments here…

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The problem here was that when they opened the borders here at the end of last November, still no where near enough people were vaccinated. Not much more than 85% if I recall. Now that had a lot to do with the fact there was a bit of complacency because we hadn’t been heavily impacted until then. When they opened the borders here, South Australia had pretty much returned to normal but within a couple of weeks the shit was hitting the fan!

I believe the state government didn’t do anywhere near enough to get the % up to around 95%. Even if it meant paying people to get vaccinated! I also believe that is why they lost the election a few months ago…

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And things have shifted to where you are event looked at funny by many if you are wearing a face mask…

That said, there is still a good number of people persisting, even if only a minority.

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I had it 3 weeks ago, crook for a week, getting better the 2nd week, all better the 3rd aside from an occasion ongoing cough, but improving.

Hang in there, most people over it 2-3 weeks.

Agreed, the restrictions served their purpose, though now most are removed, 50 people are dying p/d :unamused:

Looking at pre COVID figures… 800 deaths per year from ‘influenza’ (guessing that’s all strains) was a pretty average figure.

And we’re doing double that many COVID deaths in a month…?!

And it’s not in the media…

Nor is the fact that in the first half of this year, deaths have exceeded the total of the previous two years.

For those who like stats: COVID-19 Mortality in Australia: Deaths registered until 30 April 2022 | Australian Bureau of Statistics

Yep, hard to find anything that would kill 45 aussies (current 7 days average) per day, and not make the news!
We’ve became desensitised; unless its your family member.

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I got covid last Friday, or at least that was the first day I registered positive. Was sitting with mild flu symptoms before then. Been in quarantine with my daughter who has zero symptoms while I’ve had it a lot harder with harsh migraines that pain killers don’t work with. I’m not going to die but it can’t been pleasant. The lack of sleep has been hard when you’re feeling crap Bud the headaches keep you awake fortunately it is improving now. Not sure it’s want to get this without a vaccination.

Sorry to hear that, MissionMan! :frowning: Migraines are awful, and if they are tied to the COVID and non responsive to drugs… ouch. Hopefully you’ll start feeling better and not have any lasting effects.

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Luckily have not contracted covid yet. Have booked in to get my 4th Covid vaccine tomorrow. Have had AZx2 and Moderna so have opted for Pfizer this time. I notice that Victoria has the lowest rate of 4th doses amongst the states:

I’ve pretty much just come good this week (but now I’ve done something to my hip! :roll_eyes:) so I hope you get over it quicker than me. I don’t know if that’s something to do with the cold weather. My daughter, who is 18, had it about 3 weeks before me & she’s still not completely back to normal.